Crane Virtual Product Presentation

For CRANE, a leader in engineered industrial products, traditional product demonstrations always fell short and never provided the engagement or technical understanding required to effectively support the sales process.

By using our cutting-edge REYDAR 3D and AR platform to bring their complex products to life, Engine Creative has ushered in a new era of customer engagement for CRANE.


What We Did:
– Comprehensive Discovery Phase
– 3D product modelling for multiple product ranges
– REYDAR 3D Viewer Creation

– Mechanical/Industrial Engineering

– Revolutionised sales product presentations
– Reduced costs associated with physical product demos
– Enhanced internal product training process

The Challenge:
Renowned in the Pharma, Chemical, and Energy sectors, CRANE’s sales team struggled to physically showcase their extensive range of technical products and faced several issues common to businesses across the engineering and manufacturing industries:

  • They have difficulty in effectively showcasing complex technical products to potential customers.
  • There is a high cost associated with physical product demonstrations and customer visits.
  • They get limited customer engagement and low conversion rates in the online sales process.

Our Approach:
We embarked on a product exploration phase tailored for CRANE, creating high-fidelity 3D models of their core products that were optimised for use as Web AR assets.

By creating digital twins of CRANE’s product catalogue we were then able to use REYDAR’s Virtual Product Viewer to revolutionise customer decision-making with realistic AR 3D exploration of the products including interactive info hotspots and exploded-view options.

The Output:
This leap from flat product imagery to augmented 3-dimensional storytelling is a game-changer for CRANE.

Their new digital products have not only enhanced the sales process but also streamlined the company’s internal product education process.

This innovative approach has translated complex engineering into 3D immersive product experiences that are intuitive to understand and allow for detailed exploration without physical boundaries.

“The creative expert solutions provided by your team have not only illuminated the value of our products but revolutionised the way we interact with clients. The deployment of AR and 3D modeling was nothing short of game-changing,”

Vivekram Sivasailam, Regional Business Line Manager (Americas), CRANE.

Revitalise customer interaction and showcase your products with cutting-edge 3D and AR technology. Reach out for an innovative partnership today.