Welcoming GDPR with open arms and embracing a new digital landscape

May 25th was a big day for the industry as the long awaited and highly anticipated GDPR regulations came into full force. So, what is GDPR anyway?

Honestly by this point we probably all know more than enough about GDPR, but in case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last few weeks, or just haven’t been checking your emails (we don’t blame you) here’s a quick recap:

GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation, is a selection of new laws and guidelines implemented by the EU in a bid to protect us all from having our cyber identities exploited and shared without our permission.

Sounds great, right? Well, yes. GDPR is a huge step considering data laws have not really been updated since 1998… remember 1998? Everyone wore double denim, listened to The Spice Girls and played Snake on their Nokia 5110’s (simpler times!).

Our bad taste aside, the point is that in the last twenty years we have created a digital landscape that is unlike anything that has existed before, where we share incredible amounts of personal data every day with no real idea what happens to it once it’s out there. We send our personal details into the abyss of the Internet daily and wonder why our inboxes are always full of things we didn’t sign up for and our phones never stop ringing with names we don’t know – but, alas! Those days are finally over!

GDPR has made it compulsory for companies to tell you what they are doing with your data i.e. where they are storing it, who they are giving it to and how they are using it, there’s no smoke and mirrors to hide behind anymore.

How have we adapted to meet the new higher standards? 

As an agency lucky enough to work with so many amazing clients we felt a great deal of responsibility to develop our practice in line with the new regulations. We have always respected the information you’ve shared with us and have never sold or distributed your data – we’re just not like that – so the law change has honestly not affected us as much as it has others. However, we have made some key changes.

GDPR screen

Our Privacy Notice has moved with the times and gotten a brand new GDPR facelift; it’s a compelling read that tells you everything you could ever want to know about how we process and store your data, find it here.

We also hopped on the email bandwagon sending out an email to all of our subscribers asking them to confirm that they still want to be cyber-pals with us – thankfully loads of you did so Engine Creative’s mailing list will live to fight another day! If you haven’t subscribed yet our form will be nesting at the bottom of this page, GDPR compliant and poised ready for your details.

Looking beyond GDPR to a new digital landscape

You’ll know from the barrage of other emails you’ve been receiving over the last few weeks that GDPR has shaken up the industry considerably, it’s been a long process but everyone in our studio has pitched in and together we think we’ve cracked it. As the age old saying goes; ‘teamwork makes the data-processing dream work!’ or something like that anyway.

After a brain melting few weeks of grappling with complicated legal jargon and getting the acronym wrong almost daily, GDPR is finally here. We can all settle into this new normal, sleeping soundly at night knowing that our digital information is safe, and our email inboxes are emptier than ever – what a time to be alive!

Digital communication has changed for the better and we’d love to keep in touch, subscribe for our newsletter and updates or contact us for a chat!