Engine Creative rip apart Augmented Reality album cover for The Ting Tings

A first for a British band, multi-platinum selling artists The Ting Tings and Sony Music have partnered with Engine Creative and leading augmented reality platform Aurasma to bring to life the cover of their latest album, allowing fans to witness the band sing their upcoming song ‘Hang It Up’ by simply pointing their smartphone at the cover.


Fans of The Ting Tings who purchase their new album, Sounds From Nowheresville (out on February 27th), will witness the fully augmented album cover rip apart to reveal the ‘Hang It Up’ video when they download the Aurasma app from the Apple App Store or Android Marketplace and point the camera on their device at the album artwork.

The explosive design was created by leading integrated agency Engine Creative using Aurasma technology. Check out the album cover burst into life.


In addition to viewing the music video, users will also be able to click to download the album in digital format from iTunes, or connect with the band on Facebook and Twitter via the overlaid menu.

The Ting Tings are the first British band to create a fully augmented reality album cover.

KELLY BUSH, Senior Marketing Manager Sony Music UK, said: 

“Bringing the artwork to life on the CD cover for The Ting Tings is hugely exciting. Aurasma’s augmented reality opens the door to a more interactive relationship with the consumer via otherwise two dimensional means.”

MARTINA KING, Managing Director of Aurasma, said: 

“We are delighted to be helping with this campaign. The magic of Aurasma can bring a whole new dimension to the world of music – it changes the way we look at an album cover. In the past, fans of bands like The Ting Tings have only been able to enjoy artwork on album covers. Now, thanks to Aurasma, they can watch the album come to life and listen to the content inside.”

MATTHEW KEY, Managing Director of Engine Creative, said: 

“We worked closely with Aurasma when we helped launch the world’s first augmented magazine for Top Gear, so creating an augmented album cover for The Ting Tings seems like a natural progression and a great opportunity to push the technology.

“Not only does the technology allow us to seamlessly blend the real world with the virtual using video overlays but we can also overlay menus and buttons that can drive online activity and ultimately give the fans a closer connection to the band.

“By involving the Ting Tings so closely in the evolution of the campaign, we are also positioning them as technology innovators.”

The Ting Tings launched themselves into the world with their DIY hardcore-pop in 2008 to massive acclaim and success, with their number 1 singles ‘That’s Not My Name’ and ‘Shut Up And Let Me Go’ along with ‘Great DJ’ selling over four million copies worldwide.

Engine Creative is an award winning integrated creative agency and world leading Augmented Reality campaign provider. They are an official Aurasma partner and have also created the world’s first fully Augmented Magazine for Top Gear.

For more information on Augmented Reality campaigns contact us.

Try it yourself

To rip open the cover and watch the ‘Hang it Up’ video, download Aurasma Lite from your App Store then open the app and point the camera at the image below. You can also link through to The Ting Tings website, Facebook and Twitter pages as well as being able to buy and download the album in digital format from iTunes. Cool eh!