Office shoes embed augmented reality experiences into year long media campaign

Office shoes has kicked off its new 12 month partnership with Grazia magazine by launching a new quarterly supplement in a newspaper format called ‘Shoespaper’. The commercial partnership is the biggest to date for Bauer Media owned Grazia with augmented reality experiences playing a key part in the media strategy.

The ‘Shoespaper’ supplement will be distributed across over 150 Office stores and concessions around the UK as well as being inserted into Grazia magazine. Readers will be able to access exclusive content by scanning pages of the ‘Shoespaper’ using the Grazia Extra app; exclusive augmented content will include videos, buy links and competitions.

Augmented reality media campaign

By embracing the opportunities available on the Grazia Extra app, Office are able to tap into an augmented reality media platform which is already delivering an average dwell time of over 5 minutes. As well as greater brand engagement on mobile devices using augmented reality, Grazia Extra offers unique location aware opportunities which could enable Office to create store specific campaigns and deliver targeted messages to Grazia readers based on their location.


With a monthly ’Shoesletter’ email distributed to over 100,000 women every month, regular mentions on and an editorial presence in Grazia magazine, Office is looking to position itself as a destination footwear brand for 25-44 year old women. The Grazia Extra augmented reality app enhances the connection between print and digital and is the perfect media platform to complement their content driven strategy.