Ignition #4: Living in an augmented world

As our increasingly digital lives become augmented by technology, what will it mean for us on a day to day basis? Our team have recently returned from one of the world’s leading augmented reality conferences and have condensed our latest AR insights for this augmented edition of Ignition.


Jaguar Land Rover engineers the augmented car journey
From a virtual windscreen display that shows drivers the perfect racing line to the self-learning car which helps drivers get the most out of their ‘connected vehicle’, Jaguar Land Rover is changing the way we’ll drive the car of tomorrow.
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Pepsi uses face tracking to create an augmented mirror
With face tracking technology becoming more and more sophisticated, Pepsi were able to deliver a freaky vision to unsuspecting movie goers. Other (more productive) uses of face tracking technology are also available.
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PhotoMath helps kids (and adults) solve equations using augmented reality
If you’re struggling with your children’s homework then PhotoMath is the app to get. Highlighting the diverse ways in which augmented reality can be used, the app uses image recognition to scan and solve mathematical equations for free!
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Finally, a way for brands to easily create contextual AR campaigns
Reality Engine is a unique AR and location aware platform for brands which enables them to create rich, contextual augmented experiences. It was launched at Inside AR and we think it’s a bit special.
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Google and others invest a whopping $542m into Augmented Reality venture
Other than the fact that Magic Leap is “at the threshold of giving people a dynamic image interface that harmonizes with their senses in a completely natural way” little is known about the mysterious venture. That said, over half a billion dollars can’t be wrong.
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