5 steps to digital transformation for brands

Digital transformation is a broad term that means different things to different organisations, whether it’s breaking boundaries and twisting convention with new reality (XR) experiences, or it’s the development of an effective online presence.

What does digital transformation mean for your brand?

This broad definition can be a blocker for some brands as they struggle to get started on a meaningful digital transformation strategy that is bespoke to their needs.

With this in mind, we bring to you 5 steps to kick-start digital transformation for your brand no matter where you are in the journey:


1. Educate and empower your team

As simple as it sounds, the first step for any digital transformation strategy is to get informed.

From desk research to more formal discovery workshops, it is key that the team responsible for implementing change understands the potential for digital innovation within their business. A 2019 global study by Adobe found that those businesses which invest in creativity in the workplace saw an increase in employee productivity of 78%. So crucially, the same team should also be engaged and inspired to take insights and turn them into clearly defined actions.

digital transformation creativity increases productivity

As well as structured Discovery Workshops, we can support you with live and remote demos on a range of technologies to help educate and inspire your team.


2. Build your core digital platform

Whilst this might seem obvious, the very process of planning and delivering such a core digital product as a website is a great way to start pulling your digital transformation team together.

From Concept (wireframes, rapid prototyping, UI) to Build (development, API integration, testing), and Deployment, the process for building your website in the right way is the same as it is for creating a VR experience, a mobile App, or bespoke business software.

If you can get the right team and process in place to build your core digital platform, then you’ll be well placed to move on to more complex digital transformation projects.


Digital transformation strategy delivered for Network Rail Mastercard Canon Honeywell


3. Prioritise key business challenges

Identifying and solving key strategic objectives by meeting them head-on with digital is what digital transformation is all about.

Even before the worldwide pandemic, in 2019, 88% of event professionals were already making arrangements to transform their event with the use of virtual reality.

digital transformation vr events

Digital transformation doesn’t just have to be reactive however, it could be proactive by, for example, creating an AR shopping app to get ahead of the competition.

When you start solving key strategic challenges with digital, it will become embedded in the culture of your business and provide true long-term value.


4. Test and learn, show and tell

OK, that might sound like two innovation clichés slammed together, but the ability to engage with the right people is key to making real change happen.

Our early work developing the world’s first AR magazine for TopGear was widely shared in the publishing industry and amongst fellow developers. This has led us to the point where we now have our very own award-winning AR platform, Reydar, which acts as an additional revenue stream to our agency model.

As well as the technical process of testing new technologies to see if they can help transform your brand or organisation, it is equally as important that you shout about your achievements and share insights.

AR experts for your AR brand strategy

5. Make digital happen!

When it comes down to it you’ve got to stop researching, talking, and planning and just get stuck in.

Nothing will be transformed without diving in and delivering a digital product for your brand and if you wait too long your idea of digital transformation will soon be digital catch-up.

If you’re still not sure how (or where) to get started then get in touch with our digital transformation experts today. Stop looking around and make digital happen!

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