Ignition #3: Wave goodbye to cash. Say hello to digital wallets.

Exploring new ways to pay in our growing and increasingly mobile digital economy, this edition of IGNITION highlights some of the digital innovations that are changing the way we think about money. Is this the end of saggy pockets and flabby wallets? We think so but read on to make your own mind up.


It’s touch and go with Barclays bPay on the tube
With just a quick flick of the wrist Barclays customers can now pay for travel across the London transport network. Customers simply have to link their Visa or MasterCard card to the bPay band and they’re good to go.
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Plastc is the all-in-one card that could replace your wallet
Plastc is one card with a touch screen interface that can hold details of up to 20 debit, credit and loyalty cards. Packed full of security features and with a magnetic stripe, barcode display and NFC and Chip & Pin capability, the Plastc Card will work pretty much everywhere.
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Is the launch of Apple Pay set to change the world of mobile payment forever?
Over 3 years after the launch of Google Wallet comes Apple Pay, and their timing just might be spot on. With Touch ID and seamless integration into apps, Apple Pay will be available on an iPhone 6 and Apple Watch near you as early as next week.
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Tesco integrates scan-to-shop feature on 100s of products
With 250 pages of fully m-commerce enabled products in their new Christmas Gift Guide, Tesco is building on its commitment to deliver a new way for shoppers to connect with and, ultimately, buy their products on mobile devices.
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Introducing the Power Suit with stitched-in contactless payment
Prestige Australian tailor M.J. Bale has created a suit with embedded Visa payWave technology that allows the wearer to pay for goods with just a nonchalant wave of their cuff.
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