Growth funding for innovative augmented reality project

Engine Creative is proud to announce that we have been successful in receiving INV-ENT funding

Recognising our ongoing investment in digital innovation, Engine Creative is proud to announce that we have been successful in receiving INV-ENT funding to help develop our augmented reality and location aware platform.

INV-ENT provides grants to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), enabling investment in business development and growth and supporting the creation of new jobs.

Growth funding for digital innovation in the public sector

The funding will enable us to fast-track the development of a prototype inward investment augmented reality and location aware app. The app will allow users to explore investment locations across a range of categories such as investment opportunities and cultural highlights, providing an immersive and truly contextual mobile experience for potential investors.

The prototype will focus on Corby, working with partners including Corby Borough Council and Electric Corby. Initial conversations with other public services across the EU is also ongoing and the service is ideal for public sector organisations looking to market their town, city or region to investors in a mobile, connected world and provides potential investors with a unique tool to explore the opportunities around them.

The INV-ENT (Innovation & Enterprise) initiative is funded by Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) and delivered jointly with NEP.